Friday, February 10, 2017

Blog Stage 2: Stay on Immigration upheld

As many already are aware, Trump desperately wants to pass his anti immigration policies. The article that I read, Court Refuses to Reinstate Travel Ban, Dealing Trump Another Legal Loss, opens with news of the decision from the Federal Appeals Court that Trump's ban has officially been halted. The national government played an important role in upholding the ban's repeal. The decision to repeal the ban came from a Federal judge's ruling last week, issued in San Francisco. Although Trump brought the appeal before the Supreme court, their 4-4 tie allows the Federal judge's previous ruling to remain in effect. I believe that this article is a worthwhile read because it reminds people why Trump's Supreme Court pick is important. Had he already had his Supreme Court pick approved, the decision from San Francisco would have likely been overturned. The fight to stop the travel ban is clearly not over.

NYT Article

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