Friday, March 31, 2017

Blog Stage Five: Spicer gets Spicier

In reference to a Think-Progress article, "Out of Options, Spicer attacks Hillary, suggests Obama engaged in illegal surveillance," Sean Spicer appears to be losing his grip on his sanity. It has been almost a month since the President released the notorious "tweets" where he lied and made accusations that the former administration wiretapped Trump Tower. Since the tweets were made public, the President has made it a top goal to find evidence that supports his false claims. The sick little games that Trump likes to play with Spicer appear to be taking their toll on him and he seems to be unravelling in front of our very eyes. Sean Spicer arguably has one of the most difficult jobs in history: defending the indefensible and getting yelled at and scrutinized by the president post every meeting. Its no wonder why Spicer has come full circle to once again blame Trumps former opponent, Hillary Clinton, for... existing? Clinton has been out of the spotlight for months yet the press secretary can find something to criticize about her, before considering to critique his incompetent-mess of an employer. The criminal charges multiply daily because of the constant stream of leaks the are coming out of the administration. Rather than investigating the leakers and the substance of the leaks, the white house has made an attempt to overshadow the substance of the leaks in order to change the talking points. Sean Spicer's most recent technique for shifting the conversation, has been to make the argument that perhaps the clinton campaign is even closer to the Russian government than Trump. Clearly this is a white house that will never admit to fault.

Friday, March 10, 2017

Blog Stage 4:

The article that I chose to cover was called "The GOP Repeal Plan is Pretty Bad", written by David Harsanyi, and published by the National Review. Although this was my first time visiting the right-wing site, my first impression was that this was a very well made blog. The layout is attractive and well organized and the titles of the articles are vague enough that one would have to read them to confirm where the writer stands on the position. I believe that this blog targets young-educated citizens in our society and uses conspiracy theories and false assertions to try to muddy the waters between truth and lies. One thing that stood out to me about the article was that the writer had a complete lack of awareness in regard to the heavy backlash from people who rely on the ACA to survive. In truth, I believe that this site lacks credibility and it's existence is a threat to intelligence. David Harsanyi poses the question of whether something is better than nothing (the "something" being the GOP proposal). His conclusion is that the GOP bill is a victory in itself since it "halted federal funding of the nations largest abortion mill". This logic is what defines this blog for me: the lack of respect for women's health and the spread of fake news to advance agenda's.